Spots Over the Moon
Moon is a gorgeous former model at Country Paradise Farm. She is creme with tan moon spots with blue eyes. She will make gorgeous babies!

Freedom Star
Bim Rufous Wren AKA "Sunspot"
Sunspot was a winner at the 2019 State Fair. She is brown over cou clair with moon spots with a great build and championship milking genetics.

Freedom Star
SJ Oprah AKA "Orbit"
We nicknamed this "in your pocket" goat Orbit because she is always "orbiting around". She is a sweet line leader and always up for an over or under-the-fence escape adventure. She will surely have some silly fun kids!

Udder High Hope
W Bellini
Bellini is a beautiful gold and white doe with impressive championship genetics. She loves head scratches and being near us. She is also cooperative and reliable and will definitely be a no-nonsense mama!

Spots Over the Moon
Garden of Eden AKA "Astrid"
Astrid is another gorgeous former model for Country Paradise Farm. She is a blue-eyed black doe with tan moon spots and a white spot on her head.

Honey Meadows
KF Silverbelle AKA "Nebula"
Nebula and her sister Nova were our first two goats here on our farm. They lived happily as our pets in the backyard with the chickens until we started our breeding business and moved them in with the herd. She is a beautiful shade of Silver and has a silly and inquisitive personality. Her kids will be adorably curious like her!